Take the trip! Why you should make the pilgrimage to your automotive Mecca
One of the cornerstones of Mighty Car Mods has been undertaking adventures to see car culture the world over. If you like a particular style of car, a particular race, or a particular show or event, then work out where the heartland for that scene is and travel there.
Marty and MOOG have now been back to Japan to make the epic Turbos & Temples III, which is a Christmas Day movie featuring a super-special secret car they bought sight-unseen recently.
If you can't wait for Christmas Day and you're all fired up for Turbos & Temples III you can also pre-order the epic new photo book that documents the whole adventure HERE. It will ship just before Christmas to protect the epic spoilers inside, so the traditional Christmas Day movie will still be the special surprise feast of shenanigans you've come to enjoy.
We've been to Japan a stack of times to sample the mary different styles of car culture this amazing land has to offer. Some of the films we've made to document these journeys and adventures include: Turbos & Temples HERE I + Kei To The City HERE | + Turbos & Temples II HERE and Part 2 HERE + Chasing Midnight HERE.
Travelling overseas can be expensive and challenging, but anyone who has gone on a pilgrimage to experience the type of car culture they love in its natural environment hasn't regretted it. Personally, I've met some of the coolest characters and been exposed to experiences I'd never have otherwise gotten to have, if I hadn't taken the plunge and flown around the world to see car culture I love.
Experiencing different car scenes can also be refreshing, too. Buying the cheapest Golf GTI in Germany and heading to the world's biggest water-cooled VAG-fest, Worthersee, introduced Marty and MOOG to tuning in Europe. The lads documented this as Turbos & Tuvs (Part I HERE, and Part II HERE) and were blown away by the difference between car shows in Australia, Japan, Europe and America...
While Marty and MOOG's trip to the USA was about learning the Roadkill way with their over-powered, under-braked supercharged beast - a type of car they'd never experienced before or knew much about. Add in a quick visit to SEMA and it opened their eyes to new worlds of modifying, new characters and all sorts of fresh adventures to have.
But if you are into Nissans then why not commit to visiting the Nismo Festival? If lifted pick-ups are your thing why not plan a trip to a mud-bogging event in the USA? If you love skids then give Summernats a go, or Old Timer Grand Prix if you love old European racing cars.
Set a reminder for Christmas Day because if Turbos & Temples III doesn't fire you up to go on a globe-trotting car holiday then nothing will!